Tax law and disputes

Данъци и данъчни спорове

The ever-changing national and European tax legislation as well as the different tax treatment regimens require in-depth knowledge to be applied in finding the best solutions. Our team has many years of experience in tax matters. We are able to assist in resolving complex tax issues and implementing the best tax optimisation for businesses.


The team of Legal Shield successfully cooperates with accounting firms in solving tax cases of its clients. This approach strongly contributes to the professional handling of each matter. In this way, we are able to support the needs of the business and offer effective and workable tax solutions for your business.

How can we help you?

Taxation planning and optimisation

Our expertise in tax law enables us to implement the most effective solutions in taxation-related matters.

Consultancy in the field of VAT and excise duty regimes

The Legal Shield team has extensive experience in dealing with the VAT and excise duty regime and provides advice and effective support.

Consultancy in corporate and income taxation

Our experts will answer all your questions about corporate and income taxation.

Avoidance of double taxation

Thanks to our professional experience in the field of avoidance of double taxation, we safeguard your interests and protect you and your business from double taxation.

Consultancy services in tax audits, inspections and other tax procedures

Our experts offer counselling and effective support.

Representation in the National Revenue Agency

We offer professional representation and realisation of actions that have been discussed with you in advance.

Litigation representation in tax cases

Our team offers effective protection of your interests in tax disputes.

Legal services

We support you and your business through adequate and timely legal support.

Contact Legal Shield and find the legal support you need today. Our experts are ready to answer your questions.

Contact us : +359 879 3232 59

·   Mon – Fri 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
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